Published On: July 13th, 2013/Categories: Carl's Transformation/2.2 min read/

Day 60 – The Oddity

Yet another reminder of how abnormal my diet has become.

Day: 60 of 77
Date: 10/07/2013
Workout Day: Rest
Weight (lb): unknown
Body Fat %: unknown
Health: Fine 10/10

I was out all day today, with no hope of any lunch, so I opted for a big breakfast, which I thought would be an easy option. Instead of the classic English Fry Up I asked for bacon and eggs. It was like I’d asked for a unicorn burger. “Bacon and eggs are not on the menu!” Yes, I do know this, but surely you can make me a subset of a fry-up? “But don’t you want any toast?” The usual process of explaining you just want meat + fat ensues, and the need to explain the diet you’re on. I then hear the waitress explain the situation to the chef, who equally struggles with the concept. After some negotiation I do eventually get what I asked for, but on two plates. One with egg, one with bacon.

It frustrates me how big a gap still exists between the attitude to service in the USA and UK. Here most restaurants don’t want to give you what you really want, whereas in the USA there is a culture of customising any meal to accommodate the desire of its paying customer. If you ask for anything without chips or without bread, people just think you’re weird. I’m tired of this, but I’d rather eat well and be the odd one out, than fit into the norm and eat crap, look crap and feel crap like everyone else.

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About the Author: Carl Gottlieb
I'm the trusted privacy advisor to leading tech companies, helping them gain maximum advantage through the right privacy strategy. My consultancy company Cognition provides a range of privacy and security services including Data Protection Officers, in-depth assessments and virtual security engineers. Get in touch if you'd like to learn more.

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